Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a free trial available?

Absolutely! We're pleased to offer a 2 free generations, allowing you to explore all our features risk-free.

How can I cancel my subscription?

Cancelling your subscription is hassle-free. Simply access your account settings, and you'll find the option to cancel. If you need any assistance, our support team is here to help.

Is it possible to change my plan?

Definitely! You have the flexibility to upgrade or downgrade your plan based on your needs at any time through your account settings. Changes to your plan will be effective immediately.

If an image is generated incorrectly, will I still be charged?

While charges apply for each image generated, we understand the importance of satisfaction. If an image doesn't meet your expectations, please use the feedback button to report the issue, including the image in question. We'll credit your account as a gesture of goodwill and to aid in improving our service.

What kind of photos does our AI love?

To make the magic happen, our AI prefers clear, high-quality photos. Think of it like feeding it a delicious meal - the better the ingredients, the tastier the dish. Here’s the scoop: Sharp and Clear is the Way to Go: The clearer your picture, the easier it is for our AI to spot and zhuzh up your crush. Blurry or low-res photos can be a bit tricky. Get Up Close and Personal: If you’re closer to the camera, our AI can see your outfit better and do a fab job. Strike a Pose, But Not Too Crazy: Our AI is pretty smart and knows a lot of human poses. However, if you go full-on pretzel or choose a super unusual pose, it might get a bit confused. Stick to poses that show off your outfit clearly without going overboard.

What about photos with friends or pets?

Our tool is best at focusing on one person at a time. You can still try it with group shots, but it’s like playing the lottery - sometimes you win, sometimes not so much. For the clearest results, solo shots are your best bet.

Will it work with any picture of people?

Right now, our AI is like a specialist in women. We’re working hard to include everyone in the future, so stay tuned!

Why aren’t small pictures a good idea?

Think of it this way: if you’re trying to read a sign from far away, it’s tough, right? Same with our AI. Small or low-res pictures don’t give it enough to work with, which can lead to a faux pas. High-quality, big images are your friend here.

Pose Tips and Props: Keep It Simple

Our AI is a guru and can handle a lot of different looks and poses. But if you’re doing something really out there or holding something big and unusual, it might get a bit confused. Imagine trying to figure out if someone’s wearing a hat or holding an umbrella that looks like a giant taco – tricky, right?

What’s on the Horizon?

We’re always cooking up new features and improving how our AI understands fashion and poses. Our dream is to make this tool your go-to for experimenting with your look and having a blast doing it.